Who are you calling a senior citizen!!!


  I am seriously doing continuing education for work and one of the classes I need to take is on “Seniors and Investing”.  Ok.  I get it.   Bad bad people these days try to take advantage of seniors so it makes total sense to learn what the signs are.  Right??

UNTIL  I get to the part that states,  “Seniors are considered anyone over the age of 60.  Although some studies show 55 and above as being senior!”  (😳😳😳)

At this point in my training, I broke into a sweat, started shaking, peed a little and my hip started hurting all at the same time.  


That’s my age!  When did I become a senior??? 

I remember when my dad turned 40.  His friends threw him a surprise party IN A BAR!!!  
A BAR!!!  I was appalled.  
What 40 year old wants their birthday party in a bar??  Shouldn’t it be at the community center with cake and coffee and ‘treats’?   
I will tell you that my dad made sure to bring this up several times the year I was turning 40.  

When Scott and I went to Duluth 18 years ago, there were a group of gals there that we ran into every place we went.   They were laughing and joking and hitting on all the young cute bartenders and having a blast.   I remember thinking to myself, I want to be just like them when I am old like that. 

 WELL.  Now I go out with all my girlfriends and we do the same thing AND I AM THAT OLD!!!  

So since I am now considered “senior”, there are a few things I need my family and friend to know and rules to follow:

If I am having a conversation under my breath, do NOT ask me what’s it’s about.  The voices in my head are explaining the rules of the road to me and I am most likely asking them questions.

If I fall asleep in a chair or at bingo or lunch or happy hour, LEAVE ME BE!!  “Old” people don’t sleep at night like we used to.

There is no way anyone will put taupe colored Velcro shoes with rubber soles on my feet.  I don’t care how bad my cankles are.  I will remember this and haunt you for life.

Never and I mean NEVER allow me to sit in a chair with no bra on.  These girls need to be propped up and put into some extra support at all times.  They do not need to rest on my lap for all to see.  Or get stuck between the table and my stomach when I am eating.

Again…..  I WILL HAUNT YOU ALL!!!!!



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