Travel Trials and Tribulations
So…. I was invited to be Visiting Vet (because I’m old I guess. Vet’s are “senior” peeps.) in our home office this year. What does this mean in English? I was asked to be a mentor for new financial advisors starting out and offering them idea’s and advice during training. So fun. I did impress them with all my stories about Scott and how I use him as an example with my clients. They all want to meet the guy that has to put up me. Anyone else find this amusing? 😜
But as those of you that know me well have come to realize, if something is going to happen - it will happen to me.
Last time I was in our home office, I was coming in the revolving door and instead of swiping my own badge I figured I’d be lazy and just follow the guy ahead of me. Oh is that a big NO NO. All of a sudden the door locks, sirens and lights go off, people in the corridor stop and stare and the security guard has to come and unlock me. Also found out it was all on camera. Once I was released, I snuck away to my classroom and hid.
This time I get there and they don’t have a security badge for me. I worked with the guard as he called the Wizard of OZ and after a lot of explaining and head shaking, I got a badge. Later that same day, someone found my original badge and gives it to me. Cool. Now I have 2!!! I am SOOO important. In the meantime, I sneak out of training to use the little girls room, I go rushing back to class, swipe my badge and BAM…. Right into the glass door. (There was even make up on the window pane) My badge was deactivated to make the generic one. Yep. Once again my gracefulness has peaked and in front of all my peers. I will say though, I got to know the security folks very well. AGAIN.
All in all it was amazing. Other than the flights. Flying from anywhere to FARGO ND is always a challenge but the weather sucks, the times are a challenge and flying in general can be interesting.
I get on my first flight and a guy sits next to me who is having a very loud conversation with someone whom I believe to be his ex wife. I pretended to read but his life was WAY more interesting. I came to learn their son is in some trouble, was seeing a lawyer and there is no way he is getting a F&%#%@ get out jail free card from them this time. We took off before I could find out what the son did and he didn’t seem to want to share the rest of the story with me. I felt a little strange asking him. He was doing a lot of texting but I couldn’t read the small print. Not that I’m mosey or anything. Was hoping he’d call her back when we landed. Way to leave a gal hanging.
Then I get to my next stop only to find out some ASS CLOWN put chewed gum in the bottom of the seat pocket I was using and it is on my IPAD and my scarf. UGH. How gross is that??? And who does that?
Got home after all this with no more snags. That’s always a big plus with me. Can’t wait for my next adventure in April.
Stay Tuned!
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