2020 - I AM so over you!!!
So.... I see it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. But in my defense, 2020 has not been a stellar year for me. Or for anyone else I am sure. But on a positive note, I will have my medical deductible met before June.
Not only did I have shingles, I felt like something that was picked up on the road after being hit several times and basking in the hot hot sun for days. As you know, now is not the time to be running to the doctor (or the store, or the gas station, or the beauty salon......) so I suffered in silence. Or as silent as I could be as I whined, coughed, sneezed, peed a little, had hot flashes and then cold flashes and peed a little again. Oh and did I mention whined to my husband DAILY!!! (He would say several times a day but I beg to differ on that.)
So what have I learned these past few weeks (other than all stretch pants DO NOT fit the same)
- Going to the grocery store is now an event. First you need to REALLY plan.
Like get your list ready, get your mask ready, get your wipes ready, get your bags ready and GOOOOOOO....
Don’t make eye contact with anyone because if you have a mask on - you are a freak - and if you don’t have a mask on - you are a freak. 😷😷😷😱😱😱.
AND don’t get me started on the one way aisles. They are definitely necessary however some people go to the extreme. I saw a gal go the wrong way and another person reprimand her. REALLY???? And it was not in a nice way. IN A GROCERY STORE?? I almost dropped my beer and ran through the store to hide from the cops like I was in HS when the cops busted a party.
- My worse 3 words IN THE UNIVERSE are What’s for dinner??
I really do like to cook but it seems like a chore during all of this. We have been ordering from local restaurants as much as we can and I love it. The funniest part is Scott says to me “wow... we are spending a lot eating out”. 😳😳😳😳. You have got to be kidding me?? Our “weekly” (sometimes twice weekly) date nights “meal” cost us $200plus some nights (may have been some beverages involved).
- Going to the Dr is a chore and I have total respect for anyone that is in the medical field. I tested negative for Covid 19 but ended up with sinus infection, bronchitis and pulled muscles in my ribs from coughing. Finally after 6 weeks I woke up and felt like I was a new person only to get YEAST infection 2 days later. At this point, I can only laugh (and try not to itch)
Have to say I do love Zoom Happy Hours with my friends but miss seeing everyone. Can’t wait for some normalcy in our lives!!
Oh... Ya. To top it all off, I finally bought toilet paper and IT’S ONE PLY ONLY!!!!
Happy Pandemic to Me!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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