So I figured I should get back at it and let you know how weeks 3 through 8 of the GET FIT CHALLENGE went!

Here is what I thought would happen:
- I would come out after 8 weeks in the best shape of my life (sadly I probably am)
- I would no longer sweat and could walk out looking like one of the Housewives of California or whatever state they are living in now.
- I would all of a sudden have arms like that gal in the movie Terminator.
- I would be able to do a full 5k without being lapped by 75 year old’s. (True story from last year.)

Here is what actually happened:
- I still sweat and pant like a dog.
- Burpees are not as fun as one might think.
- My arms still wave by themselves.
- I tried to be an overachiever and work out at home.  I ended up with a rib out and muscle spasms so bad I couldn’t breath.  A trip to the ER, shot of morphine and a muscle relaxer I got 19 hours of sleep and felt great.

All in all quite the experience.  I didn’t lose weight but I did lose 10 inches.  I also reenlisted  for another 6 months.  BRING IT ON!!!


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