What has happened to me?????

Has this been the longest winter EVER? I am pretty sure it has. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for baggy sweaters and sweatshirts to cover things up but I running out of idea’s of what to put together. Have you ever noticed how some girls look so damn cute in flannel? I see my friends and others around wearing the CUTEST flannel’s and think “Jodi. (That’s what I call myself on a good day). You need to get you some and look cute like they do.” Ya right!! I bought a flannel and it even has PINK in it. I put it on and I look like a displaced hooker from the mountains. AND SWEAT!! Holy hell. Menopause and flannel DO NOT MIX!! It’s 10 below out and we head to Fargo. My courteous husband turns on the seat heat in the pick-up so we can be toasty. All fun and nice to get into a warm vehicle but 15 minutes later I can’t get out of my coat and flannel fast enough. Good thing the windows were fogged up....