What has happened to my bodily functions???

Okay my fellow 50 somethings. Admit it, the station wagon brings back memories doesn’t it? I remember jumping from seat to seat and fighting with my sisters. I could jump fast enough that my mom couldn’t catch me and backhand me. Now I can hardly crawl into the car with the door wide open and a spring on my ass to push me. I remember the 3rd seat. Sitting facing backwards and making faces at cars behind us and thinking we were soooo funny. Good clean fun. I actually had to drive the “family wagon” when I first got my license. It was so embarrassing but hey, I had wheels. After my 3rd “accident” of hitting a school bus, I realized it was a good thing I had a tank to drive. Maybe my parents knew something I didn’t. I know a few people who think I should probably still have the wagon. Staying home is starting to be my new plan. We recently made a SATURDAY trip to Costco. Have you ever been to Costco on a ...