I sure seem to struggle lately taking time to write this. It's not that I don't have time (just ask my recliner). My goal is to now do it monthly and recap how my month went. We started the month by setting up an ADULT kool aid stand at a benefit golf tournament. A young gal in town has breast cancer and we decided to have dixie cups of "adult" drinks for a donation. (again…. Can you say BEES!!!) It was a great time with our second family. I will say people in our community are so generous. I will also say that the Kool Aid WAS YUMMY!!!! So yummy in fact that I think I had to go to bed very early. So yummy that I may have dumped several coolers from the 2 wheel cart trying to get them to the car. So yummy that I probably won't have any again until next year. So yummy you wake up the next day and remember all the conversations you had – slap your head – and t...