
Showing posts from August, 2022

Who are you calling a senior citizen!!!

SO…   I am seriously doing continuing education for work and one of the classes I need to take is on “Seniors and Investing”.  Ok.  I get it.   Bad bad people these days try to take advantage of seniors so it makes total sense to learn what the signs are.  Right?? UNTIL   I get to the part that states,  “Seniors are considered anyone over the age of 60.  Although some studies show 55 and above as being senior!”  (😳😳😳) At this point in my training, I broke into a sweat, started shaking, peed a little and my hip started hurting all at the same time.   55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   That’s my age!  When did I become a senior???  I remember when my dad turned 40.  His friends threw him a surprise party IN A BAR!!!   A BAR!!!   I was appalled.   What 40 year old wants their birthday party in a bar??  Shouldn’t it be at the community center with cake and coffee and ‘treats’?    I will tell you that my ...