OKAY. It's been way long since I've posted a blog. Not sure why. It's not that I haven't been busy, it's not that I haven't done a ton of stupid shit, it's not that I haven’t had several hundred hours of couch time… so why is it??? No really? You have to tell me because I have no clue. This will be my 3 rd summer now of blogging and I know you all are sick of my whining about how I hate heat. BUT…. I HATE HEAT!! At least in the fall, winter and spring I can go into my closet room ( yep… that's what it's called.) A closet room. We turned a bedroom in our house into a walk in closet. And not because of my stuff. (My purse closet is a whole other blog story🧐). It's because of my husband's clothes. I swear he has every shirt he has ever owned AND they are all on hangers. Why wouldn't a person hang a gray t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and holes starting around the chest (...