New Year! New me!! At least that is what I tell myself. 9am New Years Day... Spending the day with my family for our annual Christmas. My job is to make the beer cheese soup. My ADHD kicks in high gear as I start melting butter on the stove. BAM... I need a fun headband to match my ugly sweater for today. Run downstairs quick to grab one. Out of no where, a brick snowman jumps out and lands on my foot. Worst pain ever. I am doing the whole dramatic hand on the forehead, lay on the ground, scream, cry, hyperventilate... You get the picture. Then I remembered my soup and the stove. I hobble upstairs and wrapped my toes. So there I stood in the kitchen with my foot bleeding into an ice bag trying not to burn the stuff on the stove. And sleeping beauty didn’t hear a thing until I went to wake him up to go. Christmas gathering’s are always interesting with my family. We’ve done white elephan...